Requesting Materials

The Ruhí Institute maintains a complete list of the books currently available for the junior youth spiritual empowerment program and the main sequence of course for youth and adults. Published editions of these books can be ordered from Palabra PublicationsBaha’i Publishing Service, or our regional distributor, Navid Daneshjou (see below).

The Regional Training Institute’s Ruhi book distributor can help you with any of the following:

  • Online access / PDF version of all Ruhi study circle and junior youth texts*
  • Spiral-bound copies of the Ruhi pre-publication books (e.g. books 8 and up, branch courses of books 3 and 5, a few junior youth texts).
  • Book-bound copies of the published texts (books 1 through 7, and most of the junior youth texts).

* If you receive online access then the Ruhi Institute asks that you not share your personal link or PDF with anyone else.


You can reach the book distributor with the following form or send a message to In addition to English, most of the books are available in Spanish, French, Arabic, and Persian. Other specialized languages may be available on request. For large print or Braille, please contact Bahá’í Service for the Blind.

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